Clear Sky Blog

Man on beach with son

What I Never Asked My Dad – And Why it Matters Now

I don’t have full recall of that evening, and yet obviously either I didn’t ask, or he didn’t give much of an answer. So, something in me doesn’t expect much of an answer, doesn’t expect to get to the bottom of things. It might be family or cultural conditioning, of course, and yet the why is no longer relevant.

As a spiritual warrior, having seen the pattern, the idea is to see what happens when we consciously try to do something different.

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Learning To Speak Up for Myself

Partly from seeing the different effects of these experiments, I’ve noticed how powerful words can be when we’re in conversations.

Now, I try to be more skillful and flexible when talking with other people.

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coffee and podcast

I Don’t Have Time to Be Compassionate

I admitted that I find myself walking through the school halls, head down, hoping no one will talk to me – not because I don’t like them, but because I’m thinking “If I talk to them I won’t get to what I need to do to start my day”.

When I’m in this mode, I’m not being kind to myself and I don’t notice what others need, whether it’s just a smile or a few minutes of my time.

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Zen Garden blog title page

Why You Should Zen-Up Your Space

There’s another benefit to a well-honoured space: it brings out all of our hidden fidgets, shining a light on our inability to sit still. When there’s clutter, anxiousness can hide under the auspices of needing to clean and tidy and organize.

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Multiple signs confusing people

Healing my Confusion

I now feel empowered to follow the advice of one of the teachers at Clear Sky, to “Take action, and let the chips fall where they may.”

After all, a pattern of confusion stems from and continues a hurt. Being empowered to act brings joy.

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Woman being treated by healer

Dharma and healing

Heal your mind – and expand your consciousness – and your body comes along for a much more easeful ride, despite still being subject to death, decay, and impermanence. And the interesting thing is that it works both ways – when we change the body, we also change the mind.

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Forlorn man sitting in the city

Living with Grief and Uncertainty

When dealing with something intense, like the loss of a relationship, it can seem as if that feeling completely dominates our reality. To a degree this is true. Yet at the same time, the feelings of pain or hurt or confusion are really only present when we allow ourselves to focus on them.

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Buddha silhouette

How to Get the Best out of a Three-Night Cabin Retreat

If you’re wondering why we require a three-night minimum in our cabins, it’s to honor the process of retreat time. Three nights is still a very short retreat, but it does allow for the possibility of something magical to happen between arriving, settling in, and the “I’m leaving soon” thoughts.

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Sulky pug dog

Is it selfish to meditate?

Not everyone will agree with our priorities…

Sometimes it helps to remind ourselves why meditation is a consistent priority in the midst of our own busyness, or the opinions of our loved ones.

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What is it Like to Be Alone in a Cabin Retreat?

Being by ourselves in a solo retreat creates the opportunity for three important explorations or insights:

Alone in a crowd: We can examine the concept of being alone
Who is alone?: We can explore the fear of abandonment and death
I’m dancing as fast as I can: We can see our habitual patterns of avoiding connecting with our inner depth

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Are You Using Transitions as a Meditation?

Do you find it tough transitioning from your working day back into your home life? Or going into work on Monday morning after a weekend with friends and family?

It’s a whole other shift of gears to transition into the energy of a retreat center.

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How to not let negative emotions own you

After I’d done it, I realized that before, my ego had felt some sort of power and satisfaction from not wanting to do the task.

Does that resonate? How we randomly own a feeling and make it our reality, whether it feels good or not?

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