Four Ways to Stay

Whether you are visiting for the first time or are a long time Sangha member looking to spend time at Clear Sky outside of a formal retreat, we have programs to fit your needs.  
Guided meditation retreat in Canada

Day Visit

You want to visit this local retreat center and you don’t know how. You want to try meditating with other people, not just the app on your phone. You are looking to get more guidance with your meditation practice.

During the summer, locals are welcome to join our Community Sundays. Includes group outdoor Karma Yoga, lunch with our community and a Dharma class with our Founding Teachers, Qapel and Sensei.

Think of it as a university small group seminar field trip, or the lab class connected to your life. Like all great mentorship programs, this is a place you can explore yourself through engagement with others and the physical world. Get ready to be in your body and on the land with others while becoming more aware of your inner world.Wake up to a new you, through a new view.

Karma Yoga is a bridge to peace, calm and happiness. Come join with others to experience how karma yoga (meditation in action) can teach us how to walk across the bridge from our private lives to one of service for a bigger cause.

Upcoming Dates: 


Day Visit Schedule: 

2:00 pm Arrivals and Welcome 
2:15 Lesson:  What is Karma Yoga? Generosity Practice
2:45 pm Group Class with Founding Teachers Qapel & Catherine Sensei
4:00 Karma Yoga
6:00 Dinner
6:45 Kitchen clean up
7:30 Group meditation
8:00 Goodbyes & drive home

Questions? Contact Maureen:

karma yoga near me

Community Stay

Stay from 2 nights to 2 months. A Community Stay is shorter than the Three Month Intensive, but still immerses you in the Triple Gem with daily Karma Yoga, group meditations and time with our Teachers and community.

Note: This option is available for those who have already met our community. If you’re new, we’d love to meet you at our Meditation Circle, an online course or on a Day Visit

For questions and registration, please contact Ava: 

Work Stay

Wanting to spend time at Clear Sky but have a day-job? The Work Stay lets you work remotely from Clear Sky while enjoying the preciousness of the Triple Gem. Work remotely 1-4 days a week and spend the remainder of your time with the Teachers and community.

Note: This option is available for those who have already met our community. If you’re new, we’d love to meet you at our Meditation Circle, an online course or on a Day Visit

For questions and registration, please contact Dean:

Three Month Intensive

If you’re looking to make a significant shift in your life, we invite you on the Three Month Intensive. This full-time curriculum is designed to immerse you in conscious awakening community and become the change you wish to see in the world.

We highly recommend this program for those looking to make a significant change in their lives and engage with awakening community in a profound and meaningful way. That said, we recognize that a three-month program is not available to all and have provided other ways to engage below. 

For questions and registration, please contact Duncan: 

Tarot Retreat 2022
Meet Our Karma Yogis - Clear Sky Meditation Center