How Good Posture Brings Good States
When we asked Jordan to write something about his experience as a Karma Yogi at Clear Sky, we didn’t know a poet lurked within. And yet if you know this gentle man, then perhaps you’re not surprised at all.
When we asked Jordan to write something about his experience as a Karma Yogi at Clear Sky, we didn’t know a poet lurked within. And yet if you know this gentle man, then perhaps you’re not surprised at all.
We’re not lion. You’ll enjoy this punny retreat where the central practice happens around the meal table. Open that throat chakra!
It wasn’t until I talked to Karen did I realize that I was not acknowledging a fundamental issue regarding money. An initial exploration needed to happen…and that was asking myself, ‘What is my relationship with money?’
Until I learned to ask the question, “how will this support my mindfulness practice” in everything I do, I had a really frustrating time. In fact, I had two patterns that drove me crazy.
When I start a meditation retreat these days, I know it takes me quite a while to calm the system down from living and working with technology. In those first few days, the levels of nervousness and agitation are much more than 16 years ago. It’s because I’m on the computer and on social media much more now.
Learning To Meditate Off The Cushion It’s amazing when you enter a clear and radiant state on the meditation cushion. But can
When the S*#! Hits the Fan, What Colour is Your Raincoat? The blow-up had been building for some time. It just needed
Do you ever feel anxious? I do, quite often. But, it’s turning into a lot of fun. I’ve realised my baseline anxiety is actually a reservoir and asset, for a really really exciting life.
What are our judgements based on? As you read the first paragraph, and all of this article, what conditions are influencing your judgement of the experience?
If our first responsibility is our own state, before we go fixing others’, then what does it mean to be in a good state?
There’s another benefit to a well-honoured space: it brings out all of our hidden fidgets, shining a light on our inability to sit still. When there’s clutter, anxiousness can hide under the auspices of needing to clean and tidy and organize.
My default state used to be anxiety, with some fear thrown in for good measure. I don’t know why. For whatever reason,
If you’re wondering why we require a three-night minimum in our cabins, it’s to honor the process of retreat time. Three nights is still a very short retreat, but it does allow for the possibility of something magical to happen between arriving, settling in, and the “I’m leaving soon” thoughts.
Not everyone will agree with our priorities…
Sometimes it helps to remind ourselves why meditation is a consistent priority in the midst of our own busyness, or the opinions of our loved ones.
Do you find it tough transitioning from your working day back into your home life? Or going into work on Monday morning after a weekend with friends and family?
It’s a whole other shift of gears to transition into the energy of a retreat center.
After I’d done it, I realized that before, my ego had felt some sort of power and satisfaction from not wanting to do the task.
Does that resonate? How we randomly own a feeling and make it our reality, whether it feels good or not?
Recently, a friend came up to me and said, “something’s different with you”.
A little surprised, I let this sink in and then asked her what she thought it was..
While on retreat one time, I noticed that going over and over my story about “me” in my head is not useful, calming, or satisfying, even though it may seem so.
We’re just not used to being so patient, and as our world gets faster and faster, it has become easy to think that anything we want should happen immediately, with the click of a mouse, or by downloading an app.
Does the above conversation resonate with you at all? Well, let’s try that differently this time, applying some mindfulness of what’s going on with me.
While it might seem relaxing to watch TV over a meal or think over something else while washing up, where’s the sense of FOMO for the present moment? When not fully present, we’re actually missing out on being alive in that moment, and missing potential insights that will lead to greater freedom.
Are you looking for a space to retreat alone, or to just unwind and reflect? We have three private cabins with valley views.
We can help you with a supportive balance of formal meditation time and optional mindful activities. Or, you can use the space for deep rest, journaling, or reflecting.
Locally sourced / organic meals provided. Optional daily meditation guidance is available.
Sign up to our mailing list to receive a link to our guided meditations page.
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