Is This You?

You might be wondering if we’d be a good fit for you, or if you’re in an organization, your team.

Over the years we’ve had a lot of success – and found it extremely rewarding – to be engaging with all kinds of folk who have a heart for spiritual exploration, including leaders in heart-centred organizations.

We invite you take a moment and consider if any of these situations sound familiar to you, to help you get a feel for who and how we have engaged with different people and groups over the years.

Do any of these situations sound familiar to you?

  1. Meditation SeekerYour world has been turned upside down by the loss of a loved one, the end of a job, relationship or an unsettling upheaval of some kind. Scary or exciting, the fact is that now you have the time and energy to give your spiritual life some TLC.
  2. You’ve worked hard and experienced success in your life, maybe as a leader in a business or organization. Now, you’re actively looking for new ways to further grow yourself,  business or your team’s portfolio.
  3. You’re wanting to make a difference in the world but you feel burnt out or overwhelmed. So you know it’s time to recharge and reflect on your next choices, in a space where you can bring conscious insightful reflection to the bigger issues.
  4. You yearn for a place in nature that’s neither too corporate – nor too touchy-feely – to hold your next event or retreat. This time, you and your team want somewhere to really get away from it all, re- connect and engage in meaningful strategic work or learning together.
  5. You love retreats and you leave shiny and positive. Yet at home you practice sporadically, if at all, and you’re getting disheartened. Now, you’re eager to learn ways to be more mindful more often, to bring spaciousness into your daily activities, relationships, and work.
  6. You have that niggling feeling that parts of your life remain untouched. You’re ready to be around friends or mentors who are also growing and actively supporting you to do the same; people with the courage to bring up the things that may be difficult to hear, because they really care.
If you find that one or more of these scenarios is speaking to you, moves you in some fashion, see if our approach could be a sanctuary for you.

We’ve seen this approach work for these kinds of people & heart centred organisations that:

  • Either practice meditation or mindfulness, wish they did, or want to bring that kind of consciousness into their organizations
  • Have done retreats, personal or staff development workshops
  • Are one or more of the following: students, travellers, leaders, trained in a skill, a professional,  or a parent
  • Are prone to burnout and stress

You’ll have the best chance of getting the most out of our approach if you resonate with one or more of these values

  • Eager to fast track your (spiritual) growth, seeking depth transformation or transformative experiences
  • Want to have fun and be of greater service to yourself and others
  • Are looking for supportive, consistent and sustainable approaches to nourish your life, business or organization
Meditation Dharma News

If this sounds like you

If you find that this is calling you, we invite you to explore further and try a taste of what we do. Sign up for our mailing list using the form below, or discover more right now by going to our how it works page.
Duncan Cryle
The beauty and silence around the cabins is very special, and supported many magical moments quietly practicing breathing meditation on the veranda of the cabin, in utter stillness, with the moonlight reflecting off the pristine snow.

Duncan Cryle, Cabin Retreatant, Jan 2016
Practicing karma yoga at Clear Sky is one of best decisions I’ve ever made. Every day, I’m exposed to extraordinary teachings and skills that benefit all areas of my life and career. Clear Sky is an incredible community that stretched my comfort zone and made me feel like I’m finally living the life I’ve always wanted to.

Ava Maclean, Karma Yogi 2017
Helen Wirrel Retreat pic
It was amazing... to recognize that my ‘original’ thoughts were actually recurring patterns and that they came and went, like ocean waves. Nothing new, just firings of the mind. That learning was profound for me.

Helen Wirrel, Edmonton.
Maryline Ky Pic
I am not sure that my family will recognize me! I know I am transformed from my stay in the karma yoga program at Clear sky center, my heart is tenderer, my ears are sincerely listening, my body is grounded and I can be content with this moment without negotiation.

Maryline Fortier - Karma Yogi 2015/16
Karen Scott Ky Pic
The cabin is beautiful and the perfect size for one person. Very inspiring and supportive for practice! The fresh flowers and clean well prepared space were wonderful and really set the tone.

Karen Scott, Fernie. Several retreats since 2012
The karma yoga program is the kind of education I always wanted to get in school, but didn’t. It’s an idyllic environment with mountains and fresh air, and every day you’re exposed to poignant teachings that get to the core. It’s so invaluable to have those teachings once a day, instead of once a month or once a year. Living at Clear Sky is a really beautiful challenge.

David Basu Roy - Karma Yogi 2016/2017
...the 'Practice and Integrate' program at Clear Sky was just what I needed to boost my meditation practice, sloooow dooown, connect with nature and be inspired by a beautiful group of people working to support others in the process of awakening. The five days I spent there provided a beautiful balance of structure and freedom to go deeper... As someone who was looking for a true retreat, rather than a guided "workshop" type experience in western Canada, I am so glad I found Clear Sky!

Andrea Patenaude, Yellowknife. Five-day Practice and Integrate Retreatant, Oct 2017
What a wonderful setting for a priceless journey into awakening!...An adventure into the unfolding of pattern recognition, insight, bliss, and spaciousness. The setting and staff supported this opportunity for solitude & quiet reflection.

Brendan Ries, Personal Cabin Retreat, 2015
Meditation Retreat Testimonial
I just finished a solitary , silent 3 month retreat in a comfortable and beautiful cabin overlooking the valley and mountain. I have been doing retreats for more than 20 years and it’s extremely important to have experienced teachers and well-trained residents to help you. The teachers and residents at Clear Sky have decades of experience. The meals are delicious...This healthy and supportive community and the beautiful, quiet environment of the Kootenays are perfect for study, contemplation, and retreat at any stage of your dharma practice.

Marco Reiter, Kingston, Ontario. Three-month cabin retreat, 2016
Leslie Chivers meditation retreat testimonial
I've been so busy the last 2 years, part of what i wanted to do was take my experience (on this retreat) and have a more mindful day when I return home. And one of the things that's helped with that is Karma Yoga. You get into that serene moment of doing that act or duty, and just by focusing on that, there's this intense mindfulness of what's occurring, and you can see the progress that's happening.

Leslie Chivers, Edmonton. Two-week Practice and Integrate retreat, Oct 2017