“Each person is a replica of the entire cosmos.”
-Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
What’s the connection between Buddhist-style enlightenment and the environment?
Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei at the 39th annual Women & Spirituality Conference in Minnesota US, Sept 23-24th, 2023. She will be presenting on September 24th, 2:30pm Central Time.
Online or In-Person tickets to the conference are available.
Women & Spirituality Conference
3:30-5:30 MDT
All Levels
In-Person & Online
What’s the connection between Buddhist-style enlightenment and the environment? The historical Buddha experienced enlightenment while sitting beneath a bodhi tree, while some Buddhist sects still emphasize the value of practicing in forests.
How does Buddhist enlightenment connect with healing, ecology, and nature mysticism? Other spiritual traditions?
Learn from Catherine Sensei’s experiences and have an opportunity to share your own in small groups.
Catherine Sensei will be at the conference the Women & Spirituality conference for the whole weekend, Sept 23-24th. She will be joined by Karen McAllister and Dan O’Brien, representing Clear Sky Meditation Centre. They will be at a combined Planet Dharma and Clear Sky Meditation Centre booth. Come say hi!
Presentation: Sunday 24th, 2:30-4pm (Central Daylight Saving Time).
How to attend: In Person Tickets and Online Tickets are available.
Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
Catherine Pawasarat Sensei is a contemporary Dharma teacher, attendant, consort, co-teacher via Planet Dharma and co-founder of Clear Sky Retreat Center.
She has trained daily with Acariya Doug Duncan since 1998 in an intensive spiritual apprenticeship that is rare in the modern West. She received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 2003. In addition to Buddhist philosophy and its applications to daily life, Catherine also draws on generative living and the arts.
This presentation by Catherine Pawasarat Sensei is part of the 39th Annual Women & Spirituality Conference in Rochester Minnesota, USA.
The Women and Spirituality Conference is a two day multi-faith gathering celebrating diversity, inclusion, spiritual experience and healing. Register now for two days of interactive, experiential workshops with engaging leaders and speakers.
To attend, please register via the buttons below. The online option is $69 and the in-person ticket is $149 (USD). These tickets give access to the whole conference and speakers, including Catherine Sensei’s presentation. We also invite you to practice generosity, or Dāna to Catherine Sensei directly here: Offer Dāna
Are you looking for a space to retreat alone, or to just unwind and reflect? We have three private cabins with valley views.
We can help you with a supportive balance of formal meditation time and optional mindful activities. Or, you can use the space for deep rest, journaling, or reflecting.
Locally sourced / organic meals provided. Optional daily meditation guidance is available.
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