Finding Authenticity: When the Inner and the Outer Voice Match
Finding Authenticity: When the Inner and the Outer Voice Match I don’t pay attention to my inner voice very well. It’s vague,
Given Covid-19 and the big life-changes many of us are experiencing, this is a perfect time to receive support in areas that may need deep care or are holding us back. We can use this unique time to nurture what is seeking our attention or we might not have prioritized before.
Karen McAllister and Duncan Cryle are offering live group coaching to a smaller group, exclusively to graduates of the Integrating Mindfulness course.
Our personal coaching program is for you if after completing our 6 week Integrating Mindfulness Online Course, you want to go deeper. As we only had a little time on each principle during the course, 1:1 coaching supports you to take a deep dive into one or two areas in your life that are calling for your attention. Many people join our group coaching sessions after Integrating Mindfulness, but you might find group-work triggers more protectiveness in you than it does vulnerability, being real, and exploring what you really need right now.
Maybe life is calling you to change. What used to work, no longer does. You’re ready to answer the call to change. You want to wake up more deeply and step more fully into your power. You now have clarity and strength to be with and explore past hurts, patterns, relationships and or beliefs that are holding you back. You may have tried new routines with meditation and yoga, new diets and even explored how to improve your relationships with yourself, others, money, and time. The thing is, often we can’t shift habitual patterns without understanding what’s holding them in place and why. The reason these may not have worked is that you may have lacked support from someone with experience to see behind the appearance to what is driving the behaviour you want to shift.
We have seen that personal coaching with Karen and Duncan frees up energy and has led to the following:
Here is what we can offer you:
Karen and Duncan have both been on their spiritual paths for over 20 years working closely with highly accomplished teachers, Qapel Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei, while also living in and supporting conscious community the entire time. They have been through many personal transformations themselves and led many others along the way. They are gifted at holding a beautiful and safe space for you as you peel back the layers.
Experienced and professionals in their careers, Karen is a certified coach and Duncan a former IBM executive. They can provide guidance, mentorship, and structures for you to dig more deeply and be accountable to yourself without being fooled by your own stories. If you are willing to share what’s really going on by being emotionally honest, listening, receiving and following through on feedback, you can benefit from working with a coach that is walking their talk, a coach that has addressed their own challenges and deeper issues around aspects of the spiritual container in their lives. For this reason, they can give real live, experiential guidance and mentorship in these areas.
After meeting our founding teachers in Japan, I managed the meditation centre there for many years while serving simultaneously as part of the Clear Sky Board. In 2003, I helped search for a site for Clear Sky, looking at around 30 properties until we found our current location in the magical Kootenays.
I’m now Chair of the Board and Director of Business Development. I’m passionate to be teaching the much-ignored principles of nurturing the factors – like honor your space, structure, and communication – that create the conditions we need to wake up more in daily life. I see how I learned and embodied these principles in my different roles at Clear Sky, as the centre went from self-starter to second-stage growth. This is what I call “the hands-on way of doing an MBA with a spiritual bottom line!”
In my free time, I love travelling, speaking Portuguese and reading history, architecture, and art books.
I’m the former Clear Sky Chair, a certified Mindfulness teacher, Dharma teacher, and a member of senior management at a dynamic award winning international software firm.
Through 15 years of teaching meditation and mindfulness, alongside an active career working all over the world, I’ve learnt a lot about an integrated spiritual path. With a Ph.D. in philosophy in my pocket, I was gung ho to join a monastery until I met my root teachers Qapel Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei in Japan in 2001, who turned my views upside down and encouraged me to grow and contribute at the busy end of life!
A founding member of Clear Sky in 2004, I’m amazed at the power that working together in compassionate service has for enriching and widening spiritual growth. Combined with a dynamic relationship and a challenging career, I have fun with a wide-ranging and holistic approach to spiritual growth.
Email me at Duncan [at] to ask about personal coaching with me.
Finding Authenticity: When the Inner and the Outer Voice Match I don’t pay attention to my inner voice very well. It’s vague,
After nearly 10 years together, I separated from my life partner in 2022. We have an 8-year-old son together, and, it turned
It was a cold, grey winter afternoon. In Europe we were obsessed with the cost of heating because the prices for gas
Are you looking for a space to retreat alone, or to just unwind and reflect? We have three private cabins with valley views.
We can help you with a supportive balance of formal meditation time and optional mindful activities. Or, you can use the space for deep rest, journaling, or reflecting.
Locally sourced / organic meals provided. Optional daily meditation guidance is available.
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