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“Without signs and words, transmission happens in the deepest silence.”

-Qapel Doug Duncan

Do you wish to embrace wisdom and its different manifestations? Manjushri is the Vajrayana Buddhist archetype of wisdom. In this retreat we will focus on developing cognitive intelligence, discrimination, clarity and rigor in terms of thinking. Our methodology will be the Twelve Manjushri deity yoga practice from the Vajrayana tradition.

Hail to the wisdom that is ripening!

Registration Deadline: September 22nd

Super Early Bird ends August 6th!

Vajrayana Buddhism

focus area

Meditation Retreat


Two Weeks



Skill Level



12 Manjushri Meditation (Retreat)

Manjushri, or Mañjuśrī (Sanskrit: मञ्जुश्री) is associated with prajñā (wisdom) in Mahāyāna Buddhism. Our deity yoga work with this particular aspect of the awakened mind will relate to the development of cognitive intelligence. 

While Manjushri is most commonly depicted alone, this Twelve Manjushri practice is a particular deity yoga practice with 12 emanations of Manjushri in one sadhana.  

Manjushri’s name means “Gentle Glory” in Sanskrit – and this practice of twelve manjushris will be 12 times that!  

Prerequisites/Preparation: to be announced.

Guided meditations

What’s Expected of Me if I Come to This Retreat?

  • Pre-requisites/Preparation: to be announced.
  • A strong foundation of parami and a willingness to see other dimensions and cultivate your mind, drug free.
  • The more extensive meditation experience you’ve had the better. For beginners to meditation, we suggest the Breathing Retreat in August.
  • You are responsible for your own wellbeing.
  • To maximize your depth of practice, we ask that you refrain from reading, using the internet, phone or listening to music during the course.

The 12 Manjushri Empowerment (Wongkur)

During this retreat, a tantric initiation or empowerment (Wongkur) will be given by Qapel and Sensei. This provides the foundation for the meditation practice and reflection throughout the retreat.

What is Wongkur? (Vajrayana Empowerments)

Initiations, empowerments, or wongkur (Tib. དབང་, wang) are considered the spring from which all blessings flow. More literally, these are ritual celebrations in which a specific teaching is transmitted from Teacher to student that enables the student to practice a new form of “Arising Yoga” or “Deity Practice”.

For more information about wongkur, we recommend reading ‘What is Wongkur’which includes ‘A Western Psychological Orientation to Deity Yoga’ by the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche and ‘A Traditional Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist View’ by His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin. It is extensive article, published by Wesley Knapp. Visit and support his archival work at the Sakya Namgyal Archive


Arrival: October 5th at 3pm, MT

Sample brief daily schedule:

9am Class with Teacher

11am Group Meditation led by a Senior Student

12:30pm Lunch

3pm Group Meditation led by a Senior Student

6pm Dinner

7:30 pm Meditation and Q&A with Qapel 

Departure: October 22nd 

*Daily schedule is subject to changes closer to the course date. 
Questions about the retreat? Phone 250-429-3929, or contact maureen@clearskycenter.org.


In order to give enough time to rest from travel before the retreat starts, we recommend that domestic travellers arrive one day early, and long distance international travellers arrive two days early. After the retreat we also suggest staying for at least another day for integration, however you are also welcome to stay longer for one of  our hybrid stay options.

Booking a flight? Airport pickups can be booked when you register for the retreat. On the rare chance that this retreat is cancelled or if unforseen global circumstances cause travel interruptions, we highly recommend purchasing travel insurance and modifiable tickets. 

Western Retreat Center

Meet the Teachers

Awakening Community and Archetypes Retreat

Doug Qapel Duncan

Awakening Community and Tarot Retreat

Catherine Pawasarat Sensei

Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat are Dharma and meditation teachers who founded Clear Sky Meditation Center, BC, Canada.

Achariya Doug Duncan received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 1978, and is a lineage holder in that teaching. Known for his direct, humorous and compassionate engagement with students, Doug embraces various traditions, contemporary psychology, and science, to mentor all beings to a more awakened state.

Catherine Pawasarat has trained daily with Acariya Doug Duncan since 1998 in an intensive spiritual apprenticeship that is rare in the modern West. She received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 2003. In addition to Buddhist philosophy and its applications to daily life, Catherine also draws on generative living and the arts. With Doug she is co-founder of Clear Sky Retreat Center in the BC Rockies.

About Clear Sky

Located in the BC rocky mountains, we offer over 300-acres to deepen your practice and reconnect with nature. 

Founded by Qapel Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei, we are home to students from around the globe who are dedicated to co-creating a supportive and innovative space for awakening in our modern world.

In adherence with our quadruple bottom line, we source our food as local and organic as possible.

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW on how to get here, what to bring and what to expect. 

Clear Sky Meditation Centre sanctuary
a plate of food including avocado
Breathing Meditation and Tarot Retreat
Best Tarot Retreat in The World



This retreat is offered on the basis of dāna (generosity).

Dāna is a Sanskrit term meaning “generosity”, and is the traditional way in which Buddhist teachings are offered.  With dāna, we give as a mutual exchange of generosity. You may have come across this in the form of “pay from the heart”. It’s our joy to offer this course, and we trust you’ll match our time, energy, and passion by giving an amount of money that feels good and healthy to both you and us.

You will be sent a link to offer “dana” to the teachers after registration. 

For more information on dāna click here.


In addition to Dana to the Teacher, Clear Sky Meditation Centre provides an incredible space for your retreat.  Situated on a beautiful 310-acre property in the Rocky Mountains, the center and its karma yogis provide you nourishing daily meals and comfortable accomodation. Read more: Staying with us (Clear Sky Meditation Centre)

Please go to the retreat registration page for this retreat for details of the all inclusive fee for the retreat.

Specific times may change – this is a rough guide (MST)

6:30 – 7:30 AM: Walk &/or Personal Practice
7:30 – 8:15 AM: Breakfast: Prepare, eat, clean up
8:15 – 8:45 AM: Walk &/or Personal Practice
9:00 – 10:00 AM: Class with Teachers
10:00 – 10:30 AM: Walk
10:30 – 11:30 AM: Group Practice led by Sangha
11:30 – 12:30 PM: Personal Practice
12:30 – 1:30 PM: Lunch: Prepare, eat, clean up
1:30 – 3:00 PM: Personal Practice
3:00 – 4:00 PM: Group Practice led by Sangha
4:00 – 5:30 PM: Personal Practice
5:30 – 7:00 PM: Dinner: prepare, eat, clean up
7:00 – 7:30 PM: Walk &/or Personal Practice
7:30 – 8:30 PM: Group Practice and Q & A with Teachers
8:30 – Beyond: Personal Practice & bed

We aim to make our retreats as accessible as possible. 

As a centre run entirely by Karma Yoga (selfless service), retreat fees only cover food, accommodation and the equipment required to offer them online.

The teachings themselves are offered on the basis of Dāna (pay-from-the-heart). 

For some, this is still a barrier of entry.

If you are seeking financial assistance to attend a retreat, please complete a Scholarship Application form.

We recognize and respect plant medicine as an important part of some people’s spiritual paths. 

Please note, the meditation practice on this retreat is very powerful. Consuming mind-altering substances will detract from your experience and could cause negative side-effects. 

We ask that you refrain from microdosing or consuming mind-altering substances during this retreat and in the days immediately following it. 

Orange flowers in field at meditation retreat center